Hebei International Studies University
Education & TrainingShijiazhuang
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Hebei Foreign Studies University(HFSU), as the only independent undergraduate international language university in Hebei Province, has developed into a comprehensive and international undergraduate university with 28 secondary colleges (15 national education-oriented colleges, 13 society-oriented colleges), more than 21,000 students, 1,358 faculty and staff, 7 foreign academicians, 210 foreign experts, offering 75 foreign languages, and 136 majors. At present, HFSU has been cooperated with 359 universities in 82 countries worldwide at the Bachelor, Master and Doctorial levels. We have signed bilateral agreements with partner institutions and universities from the countries from all over the world, including the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Japan, 22 major countries in Latin America, including Cuba, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominica, Panama, etc. The cooperation has been focused on but not limited to design of the major and curriculum courses construction, student exchange and further studies, mutual visits of teaching staff, school-enterprise cooperation, scientific research project cooperation, cooperation in publishing, introducing high-end talents. With offering 75 languages spoken across pivotal countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North, and South America, in terms of the number of offered foreign languages, HFSU ranks second among all universities in the country. Within ten fields of study, namely media, computer, finance, architecture, business and trade, education, medical care, traffic and tourism, art performance, and foreign literature, in total 136 majors are offered. Website: http://english.hfsu.cn/ 河北外国语学院(Hebei International Studies University),位于河北省石家庄市。 学校始建于1998年,原名“石家庄联合科技专修学院”。2001年4月,开展河北省学历文凭试点教育。2003年1月,经河北省教育厅批准,升格为高职院校“石家庄外语翻译职业学院”。2011年筹建本科,2012年3月由教育部批准正式升格为本科层次的普通高校,并更名为“河北外国语学院”,2015年5月被河北省人民政府学位委员会列为学士学位授予单位。2016年12月被河北省人民政府学位委员会列为硕士学位授予单位立项建设规划院校。 据2022年10月学校官网显示,学院占地面积182.87万平方米,建筑总面积123万平方米;专任教师1424人;16个二级学院,64个三级学院,134个本专科专业,其中本科专业57个;在校生27050人。

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