Suzhou Jinso Technology Development Co., Ltd.
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太阳能多晶硅、太阳能硅片、太阳能电池片及组件、光伏材料、光伏设备的研发及销售;太阳能电站系统的开发、设计、运行维护及销售;售电服务;合同能源管理;电梯及电梯零部件的研发、销售;光伏产品、电子产品、通用设备、专用设备、五金产品、建筑材料、玻璃制品、工艺品的销售;自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口业务(但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品和技术除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后发可开展经营业务) Founded in 2019, Suzhou Jinso Technology Development Co., LTD. is headquartered in Jinji Lake, Suzhou Industrial Park. The company focuses on the production, processing and sales of high-efficiency solar cells. The company has cooperative production bases in Nantong, Xuzhou, Suqian and other places in Jiangsu province. The core staff of the company are all experienced in the industry. With years of supply chain, r&d and product cost advantages, the company has formed strategic cooperation with many well-known photovoltaic enterprises at home and abroad. Adhering to the development concept of "integrity, innovation, cooperation and excellence", the company will strive to achieve the goal of building a first-class photovoltaic enterprise and become a green energy revolutionary through scientific and technological innovation, standardized management, enhanced quality, honest operation and optimized service Life contributes to strength.

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