
I am a Native level English and Russian speaker, I worked most of my life in logistics and trade related fields and have great communication skills. Speak both languages without an accent, also have experience in educating said languages. Currently in the
26 years oldLogistics Specialist/Logistics ManagerCome from Latvia Living in Shenzhen
Language: English, Russian, Polish, German
Mandarin: simple communication

I am a 26 year old logistics worker with 8 years of experience. I worked in many fields related to logistics starting with driving and ending with planning. I also have experience in tutoring English and Russian languages to people of different age groups. During my years of work I picked up exelent communication skills and managed to learn several new languages.

Heisterkamp Transportation Solutions
Nov 2022 - Feb 2024(a year)

Was rotated back and forth between being a trucker and a dispatcher for my colleagues due to my knowledge of languages.

Amber logistics
Mar 2020 - Nov 2022(3 years)

Worked as an international driver for the company and was in charge of planning and document preparation.

Delivery deiver
Oct 2017 - Feb 2019(a year)

Worked as a package and food delivery driver for yandex in Moscow.

, Orientalism
Sep 2017 - Jun 2023(6 years)

I studied orientalism in Moscow International academy with emphasis on China and logistics.