Shenzhen Infiled Electronic LTD
Consumer Electronic & Hi-TechShenzhen
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INFiLED is headquartered in Shenzhen and registered under the full name Shenzhen Infiled Electronics Co., Ltd. It is a high-tech enterprise specialized in developing and manufacturing large LED video equipment. Focusing on independent innovation and continuous improvement, INFiLED has always occupied a leading position in the industry and the number of obtained patents has reached over 178. INFiLED's product application range covers advertisement, transportation, sports, events, command & control, corporate branding and meetings, creative applications and so much more. The products have been installed in over 85 countries and have been CCC, CE, ETL, FCC, RoHS and TUV certified. Using the most advanced production equipment and the most reliable components, INFiLED delivers the highest quality and most reliable equipment available. INFiLED strictly carries out the ISO9001 Quality Management System, Total Quality Management System, ISO14001 Environment Management system and OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Throwing a sales and service net over the whole world nowadays,INFiLED currently has a Global Service Center in Hong Kong and distributors, subsidiary and representative offices in Shanghai, Yunnan, Netherlands, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Middle East, South Africa, South America and Japan, offering customers the best service and user experience. Based on the principle of "Five-Star", INFiLED is striving to be a top brand of LED screen manufacturer to enlighten the world with a visual feast! 视爵(英文名 INFiLED),全称深圳视爵光旭电子有限公司,成立于 2009 年 7 月 22 日,注册资金 10300 万元,总部在深圳石岩,是国家级高新技术企业,拥有专业的现代化工厂,采用先进的生产设备和最可靠的元器件,并严格执行 ISO9001 质量管理体系、全面质量管理系统、ISO14001 环境管理体系和 OHSAS18001 职业健康安全管理体系,专注研发与制造 LED 大视频设备。 视爵坚持自主创新,持续创新,拥有包括多项发明专利在内的百余项主营产品相关专利,处于行业领先地位。视爵研发设计生产的 LED 显示屏种类齐全,包括快速轻薄租赁屏、智能高清固装屏、多功能角度创意 屏和高亮度刷新球场屏,产品应用于广告、交通、演艺、体育、监控、指挥、会议、文化创意 等多个领域。 视爵拥有全球化的销售与服务网络,在国内北京、上海、 武汉、 重庆、 昆明各地设有办事处,在香港及美国设有服务中心,在西班牙、荷兰、美国、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大设有分公司,持续为客户提供最佳体验,最环保节能的LED产品和最优质的服务。 视爵崇尚并践行开放、学习、奋斗、自信的“五星文化”,致力于成为世界一流的大视频制造商,为世界呈现“视觉盛宴”! 深圳视爵光旭电子有限公司生产基地总面积3万㎡,工厂一线人数超过450人,公司总人数超过800人,年度总产值超过10亿,2023年总产值预计13亿以上。工厂共有11个车间,其中部分车间均采用现代化全自动生产设备。车间5S由专人稽核督查,内部环境干净整洁,无需穿无尘服。车间管理遵照全面质量管理体系和环境管理体系执行,确保生产安全和过程质量控制,同时注重员工的身心健康管理。 工厂周边配套服务场所齐备。园区内配置员工宿舍,宿舍内配有空调、热水器、床位、衣柜等设施,宿舍到车间5分钟的步行路程。园区两条美食街,开设了大量的大众餐厅和各地特色餐馆,用餐价格实惠,人均日消费30元以内。园区大中小型商场、超市也很齐备,生活用品、水果零食等在园区内商场一站式购买。稍远一点到创维大厦那边的步行街也是非常合适的休闲消费场所。 工业园内公交可直达石岩周边的公交站、地铁站和多个休闲购物场所,2023年即将开通13号地铁,届时地铁公交均可带您出行到深圳各大区游玩办事。 在深圳,运动和健身已成为大家共同的爱好。从工业园到达周边的石岩湖湿地公园、石岩湖绿道、羊台山公园、西丽动物园等都很方便。

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