ManufacturingQuzhou, Overseas
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Founded in August 2018, DAS Solar specializes in the R&D, manufacturing, and marketing of high-efficiency solar cells, PV modules, and system applications, as well as investment, construction, and operation of power plants. It's also a state-level high-tech enterprise. Additionally, DAS Solar holds more than 150 patents in various areas. As a leader in N-type PV technology, DAS Solar boasts two key products: N-type modules/ lightweight modules and full-scenario PV system solutions, which have successively been brought under the procurement directory of a number of large global companies. DAS Solar has sophisticated marketing networks in the local area and abroad, which have introduced the products and solutions to more than 60 countries and regions. DAS Solar, light up your life! 一道新能源科技股份有限公司,成立于2018年8月,是专业从事高效太阳电池、光伏组件及系统应用的研发、制造和销售及电站投资、建设、运营于一体的国家级高新技术企业,也是工信部《光伏制造行业规范条件》企业、浙江省“未来工厂”、浙江省“专精特新”企业和央企战略投资企业。 公司注重研发投入和产学研的合作,研发技术人员占员工总数20%,每年的研发投入占销售收入的5%左右,目前拥有、申请各类专利150+项。一道新能作为N型光伏技术的引领者,拥有N型组件与轻质组件两大核心产品,生态光伏、城市光伏、海上光伏三大系列全场景光伏系统解决方案,并陆续进入多家大型国央企采购名录,建成国内外完善的销售网络,产品远销60多个国家和地区,2023年将建成30GW高效电池和30GW高效组件产能,已成为光伏行业的新一线品牌。 一道阳光,照亮生活!

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