Education & TrainingBeijing
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Yuanfudao Online Education is the technology leader in China's online education sector. With various online education products, including YUANFUDAO, Zebra APP, XIAOYUANKOUSUAN, YUANBIANCHENG and Pumpkin Science, YUANFUDAO provides users with diversified services in education, such as online tutoring, smart learning, problem analysis, etc. It aims to provide timely feedback to help students study more systematically and efficiently. Since founded in 2012, utilizing frontier technologies, Yuanfudao Online Education has been committed to enhancing the learning experience, stimulating learning interest, fostering science-based study habits, and providing equal access for every Chinese student to the best educational resources conveniently and efficiently. 猿辅导,在线教育科技领先者。 公司旗下拥有猿辅导、斑马App、小猿口算、南瓜科学、猿编程等多款在线教育产品,为用户提供互动网课、智能练习、能力培养等多元化的智能教育服务,帮助学生系统性、高效率地培养知识及能力素养。 猿辅导在线教育正在为更多中国学生提供智能、便捷、有趣的在线学习体验。以科技推动大规模因材施教,致力于让中国的每一位学生,都能享有高品质、个性化的教育。

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