Shanghai Duke Dream Science and Technology Co.,Ltd
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上海爵梦科技有限公司是一家以创新商业模式为先导,经营家用、商用、医用空气净化产品和交通运输耗材为主的高科技企业。总部坐落于最具市场化、最具国际化、最具魅力化的超级大都市上海,为打造“消费者最满意品牌”而具有了信息、交通和人才汲纳平台!公司秉承严谨、认真、高效、创新的企业风格,致力于空气净化和交通运输耗材的销售、服务等业务。在人才构建方面,爵梦科技以“以人为本,诚信践诺”为企业理念,坚守道德底线,广开言路、广纳贤才,着力打造“做有品格、有品牌的队伍”,通过系统的培养和培训来提升团队整体战斗力。爵梦科技在产品服务支持领域,以“用心追求感动”为服务理念,从而使公司服务系统体系化、立体化。在企业文化方面,爵梦科技以“敬天爱人”为价值观,以“心有多大,舞台就有多大”的企业精神为感召,以“细致经营,服务营销”为经营理念,全力构建人与社会、企业与自然、企业与客户、企业与消费者立体共生、和谐发展的企业新篇章! Shanghai Duke Dream Science and Technology Co.,Ltd is a high-tech enterprise with innovative business model as the guide, mainly engaged in household, commercial, medical air purification products and transportation consumables. Headquartered in Shanghai, the most market-oriented, international and charming metropolis, it has a platform for information, transportation and talent recruitment to create "the most satisfactory brand for consumers"! Adhering to the rigorous, serious, efficient and innovative enterprise style, the company is committed to the sales and service of air purification and transportation consumables. In terms of talent construction, juemong technology takes "people-oriented, integrity and commitment" as its corporate philosophy, adheres to the moral bottom line, and strives to build a "team with character and brand", so as to enhance the overall combat effectiveness of the team through systematic training. Juemong technology in the field of product service support, with the service concept of "moving with heart", makes the company's service system systematic and three-dimensional. In terms of corporate culture, juemong technology takes "respect for heaven and love" as its value, the enterprise spirit of "as big as the heart, as big as the stage" as its inspiration, and the business philosophy of "meticulous management and service marketing" as its business philosophy, and strives to build a new chapter of three-dimensional symbiosis and harmonious development between people and society, enterprises and nature, enterprises and customers, enterprises and consumers!

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