Beijing Byling Planet Information Technology Co.,Ltd
Recruiter last login 8 months ago 1133 views


We believe that business exchanges, trade exchanges, cultural exchanges, technological exchanges and capital exchanges are the only way for China to communicate with the rest of the world and promote the world to move towards a common world. Global business is conducive to solving the employment problem, revitalizing resources, digesting production capacity and creating foreign exchange. Therefore, we take customized e-commerce and vertical e-commerce platform as our main business model to carry out business on a global scale. We are committed to global brand, e-commerce innovation, R &D, production and sales. Since 2016, we have independently developed and produced several brands such as diliffediary and fitville, which are deeply loved and praised by global consumers 比邻星球信息技术有限公司成立于2016年,公司总部位于首都北京,分部位于广州和美国洛杉矶。 创始人为一些留美归来的学子。“比邻”两字取于唐诗名句“天涯若比邻”,公司秉承千年以来中华民族所特有的“苟利国家生死以”的精神,以新一代信息产业和全球化商务(包括电子商务)为实业报国和民族复兴的方向,我们相信商务交流、贸易交流、文化交流、技术交流、资本交流都是中国和全世界进行沟通,促进全球走向大同世界的必经之路。 全球化商务利于国家解决就业问题、盘活资源、消化产能、创造外汇,所以我们以定制化电商,垂直类电子商务平台为当前的主要业务模式,在全球范围内开展业务。我们致力于全球化的品牌、电子商务领域的创新、研发、生产和销售。自2016年以来自主研发、生产过ILifeDiary、Fitville等几个品牌,深受全球消费者的热爱和好评

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