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学建成立于2006年,是中国首家私立特殊教育培训机构。我们的国际化团队来自于各个儿童教育和康复领域的专家,通过搭建一个综合性辅助教育系统,帮助有不同学习障碍或特殊需求的孩子更好地融入校园和社会。我们以家庭为中心,通过引导孩子,指导家长,带领家庭每个成员共建包容未来。 Established in 2006, ELG is committed to helping families and children with additional needs to be future ready. Our international and local team of multi-disciplinary specialists and child experts work together to provide an ongoing support system for both children and parents on the path towards a shared future.

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