Changchun Engley Automobile Industry Incorporated Company
Public CompanyChangChun
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长春英利汽车工业股份有限公司成立于2006年12月21日,注册地位于长春市高新区卓越大街2379号,法定代表人为林启彬。经营范围包括生产汽车零部件、冲压产品、热压成型产品、模具设计、制造及相关技术咨询服务(国家法律法规禁止的不得经营,应经专项审批的项目未获批准之前不得经营)*长春英利汽车工业股份有限公司对外投资21家公司 Changchun Yingli Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. was established on December 21, 2006, with its registered place at No. 2379, Zhuozhuo Street, High-tech Zone, Changchun, and its legal representative is Lin Qibin. The business scope includes the production of auto parts, stamping products, hot pressing products, mold design, manufacturing and related technical consulting services (prohibited by national laws and regulations shall not be operated, subject to special approval of the project shall not be operated before approval) * Changchun Yingli Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. has invested 21 companies

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