Retail & WholesaleNanjing
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1994年S•DEER设计工作室创立。创始人蔡公和先生是中国最早一批时装设计专业的探路人,以纯粹、赤诚的筑梦时装事业之心,创立S•DEER,赋予品牌独特的艺术人文表达。 S•DEER形象概念店于2016年6月进驻法国巴黎。 20余年的不断发展,S•DEER成长为一家集设计、生产和销售为一体的国际化时装企业,形象专门店遍布全国一二三线城市逾1100余间,年销售额突破二十亿。2017年品牌进一步拓展欧洲市场,以更高端的艺术形象、更优质的时装设计,回馈广大消费者。 S.DEER is a clothing brand that was born in 1994 by Mr.Cai. The concept of S·DEER is to design and impress customers from the heart the simplicity, comfort but the edgy approach we have in S.DEER designs. We believe in the power of our aesthetic design can make you look and feel your best, accompany you through the murk of life.

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