Raffles Medical
Medical healthTianjin, Beijing
Recruiter last login 3 years ago 1363 views


Raffles Medical Group has evolved since its founding in 1976 from a two clinic practice in Singapore to an integrated healthcare provider with a wide presence in Asia. 莱佛士医疗集团自1976年在新加坡成立,从两家新加坡诊所起步,逐渐发展成一个医疗集团,现在足迹遍布亚洲各地。 It operates a network of more than 100 medical centres, a tertiary care private hospital, dental and Chinese medicine services, insurance services, an educational healthcare institute and a consumer healthcare division. 莱佛士医疗集团的网络包含超过100家医疗中心,一家三级私立医院,多家专门牙科和中医诊所,还有医疗保险部门,医学教学学院和消费保健品部门。 In China, we are serving you with eight clinics and two hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Tianjin, Tianjin Teda, Nanjing, Dalian and Shenzhen. 在中国,我们八家国际门诊和两家国际医院,分别遍布于北京,上海,重庆,天津,天津泰达,南京,大连及深圳。 Our clinics are managed by a highly trained and specialized team of professionals to ensure that you receive quality, comprehensive, healthcare. 我们的诊所是由国际医生组成的专业团队,每一位医生都拥有个人“精”与“专”的领域,以确保您获得更优质、全面的国际医疗服务。 At Raffles Medical, your health and safety are our highest priorities. 莱佛士医疗,我们把您的健康和安全放在首位。

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