Chofn IP(C) Logo
Chofn IP(C) Logo
Trademark Development Consultant
Full-time45k - 50K RMB per monthCanada
Chofn IP(C)
Refresh at a month ago 166 views

Job Responsibilities

1. Responsible for the development of foreign-related trademark market business, and use various resources (including but not limited to firm platforms, resources and personal resources) to develop potential customers; 2. Conduct in-depth research on customers and provide solutions for intellectual property protection for enterprises; 3. Update customer information in a timely manner to ensure that customer information is complete and effective; 4. Maintain customer relationships, including but not limited to regular communication, visits, holiday greetings, etc.; 5. Participate in the organization, coordination and other related work of international conferences.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor degree or above, more than 8 years of work experience in the intellectual property industry; 2. Fluent oral English skills; 3. Strong resistance to pressure, able to adapt to frequent foreign business trips and overtime, and independently carry out business development in foreign markets; 4. Strong ability to work under pressure, resilient, strong communication and interpersonal understanding skills.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type



Unlimited experience

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