
Procurement Manager - Arabic, English, Russian & Chinese
34 years oldImport and export tradeCome from Jordan Living in Overseas
Language: Mandarin, Russian, English, Arabic
Mandarin: fluent communication

I have been working in supply chain management and procurement services for several years, mainly bridging the gap between clients from USA, Russia and the Middle East with China. The responsibilities in that area of management ensure that clients receive a wholistic solution for their procurement needs, which include feasibility studies, brand identity and design, sourcing manufacturers, arranging logistics, setting up online retail platforms, to name a few.

Procurement Manager
WeLabel Limited
Jun 2021 - Now(3 years)

The job duties for WeLabel are focused on working with a specific type of Chinese supplier, who understands the requirements of building a brand and not just mass production. Here the projects I oversee start from the infancy stage, where firstly I help the client create their brand identity with the help of our designer. At the same time, I will be discussing with the client the basic offers and feasibility study for his or her project.

China University of Petroleum
, Civil Engineering
Sep 2014 - Sep 2018(4 years)

Completed my bachelors degree with honors in Qingdao city and built a very strong engineering foundation. Full education details attached in my resume.