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5Miles是一家美国市场领先的电商服务平台,基于位置信息,用户可以快速可靠地在5Miles买卖商品和服务。2015年初进入美国市场至今,长期占据安卓购物类应用排前10名,iOS生活服务类应用排前3名。截止至16年10月底,年化交易额已超过10亿美金。创始人兼首席执行官曾任淘宝移动平台总经理、兰亭集势CTO。公司创立至2017年年初已募集了超过6200万美元的资金,投资方包括SIG、IDG、晨星创投、蓝湖资本等多家著名基金公司。 5miles app powered by www.5milesapp.com is devoted in becoming the most convenient and safe C2C transaction platform. It is a fun, free and easy mobile app to buy, sell and explore. 5miles is a social, location-based shopping community on your mobile. This means that the buyers and sellers of the 5miles community could be your neighbors, buddies close by, or anyone in your city. Thru our app, people can discover and buy something beautiful, pre-loved nearby using 5miles. Or, if they got something to sell, with 5miles, they can list their stuff in under a minute and lock in a sale - completely free! Since our inception, we continue to strive in becoming a leader in global digital industry.

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