Shanghai Cherish Information Technology Co.,Ltd.
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We are an overseas expansion integrated services provider, supplying clients both home and abroad with localization services for their cross-border products. Having grown from a translation, transcreation, and interpretation services provider of a small number of languages to a full localization services provider, we now work with world-renowned IT companies in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions to provide transcreation and original copy. Combined with market research, cultural analysis, product testing and social media promotion services, we deliver the most comprehensive support to facilitate your product successfully entering a foreign market. With localization labs in China and the USA, and 1000+ native-speaker linguists from over 20+ countries, we bring high-quality and efficient services for clients worldwide. CHERISH致力于软件自主开发和文创服务。 软件自主开发业务为各类客户定制开发基于B/S架构的应用系统,并提供完善的产品和周到的服务。在协同办公、采购平台、电子商务、大型门户网站以及个性化软件定制开发方面有近百个成功案例。 文创业务主要致力于大陆、香港、台湾、日本、韩国、新加坡、泰国、马来、印尼、印度、越南等国家的本地化,领域涵盖音乐、游戏、影视、App等。目前在上海、香港、北京均设立有办公室,创始人和管理团队来自于国内一流媒体和500强企业,团队成员分布在大陆、香港、台湾和东南亚,大多具有域外学习经验和国际化视野。

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