The Studio (China)


The/Studio 是一家专门提供私人定制的电子商务创业公司。我们已联结几千家位于世界各地的供应商,为超过百万个人及中小企业提供完全私人定制化的产品。我们的私人定制产品涵盖服装、鞋包、金属饰品、徽章织带等超过60个品类。更多信息请访问 2017年,我们已实现盈利并成功获得美国硅谷***风投A轮1千万美金融资。The/Studio 在中国深圳、美国硅谷、罗马尼亚、菲律宾均设有公司。 如果你有激情、有梦想、有创业精神,那就加入我们,一起改变世界! 亲爱的,茫茫人海,蓦然回首,你在哪里? 高大上的办公环境,同行业内绝对有竞争力的工资; 五险一金,员工生日,佳节福利,各类津贴……一个都不能少! 在这里,我们没有官僚教条主义; 在这里,我们拒绝平庸; 在这里,你可以天马行空,但不能眼高手低; 在这里,你可以任性,但要爱公司爱团队爱小伙伴; 在这里,你可以不完美不周全,但要有想法有激情! 公司福利: 具有竞争力的薪酬待遇; 股票期权; 完善的职业发展与学习培训机会; 丰富的团队活动。 如果你是一个有能力有思想有理想有干劲的四有好青年; 那么,加入我们,成为我们的小伙伴! The/Studio is an on-demand customized manufacturing platform that is revolutionizing the first mile in supply chain. With a focus on design and manufacturing of custom fashion apparel, accessories, and promotional items, our platform provides small lot, short lead-time production capabilities to all. You Imagine. We Create. We just closed a $10M Series A with a top-tier Silicon Valley VC. We were also recently recognized by Inc. Magazine as being one of the fastest 5000 growing privately-held American companies. The/Studio has offices in China, Europe, United States and the Philippines. If you’re a star player looking for a fast-paced competitive environment in a company that’s blazing towards the tipping-point, get in touch with us today and join us on our adventure.

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