Seayayun(H) Logo
Seayayun(H) Logo
Warehouse Manager
Full-time10K - 15K RMB per monthIndonesia
Refresh at 7 months ago 649 views

Job Responsibilities

1. Assist the Warehouse Manager in building, training, and establishing systems and improving warehouse teams. 2. Support the overall warehouse operations under the guidance of the Warehouse Manager. 3. Manage the company's warehouse affairs, allocate tasks, arrange, and supervise the daily work of all personnel in the warehouse.

Job Requirements

1. Possess strong coordination and problem-solving abilities, along with the capacity for independent learning and resolving issues. 2. Be responsible, meticulous, obedient to arrangements, and able to endure hardships and work diligently. 3. Proficiency in English, Indonesian, Spanish, or Thai languages is preferred.

Required Languages

Indonesian, English, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese

Job Details

Position type

Warehouse Specialist/Warehouse Manager


Unlimited experience

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