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Jetour(J) Logo
Overseas Project Manager
Full-time15K - 20K RMB per monthRussia
Refresh at 6 months ago 403 views

Job Responsibilities

1. Responsible for delivering the project within the defined scope, time, and cost constraints; 2. Participate in the project's initial stages, including project initiation, feasibility analysis, and the formulation of project construction plans, as well as review the system's technical architecture and functional requirements; 3. Organize the implementation of specific projects, create project implementation plans, resource lists, coordinate resources from various parties, and lead the respective team to complete project tasks on time and with quality; 4. Organize technical and resource preparation before system go-live, and coordinate with end-users for functionality reviews and go-live promotion; 5. Manage the day-to-day aspects of the project, regularly collect project information, assess project risks, and report to superiors on a regular basis.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor's degree or above from a recognized university; 2. Over five years of experience in enterprise information technology projects, familiar with business processes in manufacturing enterprises and related software products in the field of enterprise information technology, with experience in software implementation and service solution deployment; familiarity with mainstream ERP, DMS, and other systems in Russia is preferred; 3. Excellent communication and teamwork skills, strong written and verbal communication abilities; proficiency in Russian is preferred, English is also acceptable.

Required Languages

Mandarin, English, Russian

Job Details

Position type

Project management


5~10 years

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