Sunyes(X) Logo
Sunyes(X) Logo
Director of Purchasing
Full-time30K - 35K RMB per monthFrance
Refresh at a month ago 205 views

Job Responsibilities

1.Professional background in chemical materials 2.Familiar with procurement process, sourcing, supplier management, quantitative pricing under fluctuating prices, etc. 3.Understand and resources of electrolyte-related supply chain in Europe and the United States 4.Understand electrolyte R&D and formulation technology, and have experience in lithium hexafluorophosphate 5.Fluent in English 6.Able to accept long-term business trips (overseas)

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor degree or above, professional background in chemical materials 2. More than 10 years of purchasing experience, familiar with the electrolyte industry

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type

Procurement Specialist/Supervisor


More than 10 years

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