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Meritar(M) Logo
Logistics Project Manager
Full-time15K - 20K RMB per monthPhilippines
Refresh at 5 months ago 467 views

Job Responsibilities

1. Liaise with Chinese clients, respond to their requests promptly and efficiently. 2. Lead and supervise the warehouse operations team, execute daily operations according to management requirements, and conduct regular inspections. 3. Assist the local general manager with operational control, client maintenance, market expansion, and other related tasks.

Job Requirements

1. Background in the logistics and warehouse management industry. 2. Fluent in Chinese and English, with an understanding of local laws, regulations, and customs in the Philippines. 3. Proficient in data analysis and system operation skills. 4. Strong learning and adaptability skills. 5. Excellent communication skills and a certain level of professionalism.

Required Languages

English, Mandarin

Job Details

Position type

Project management


3~5 years

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