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Physical Therapist
Full-time25K - 30K RMB per monthGermany
Refresh at 4 months ago 514 views

Job Responsibilities

1. Assess patients' physical conditions and rehabilitation needs, and develop personalized physical therapy plans. 2. Implement physical therapy procedures, including exercise therapy, manual therapy, and physical agent therapy. 3. Guide patients in appropriate exercises and daily activities to help them restore or improve physical function, reduce pain, and enhance mobility. 4. Collaborate closely with rehabilitation nurses, rehabilitation assistants, and other staff to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services to patients. 5. Work location: Germany (potential workplaces include hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, fitness studios, sports associations, etc.).

Job Requirements

1. Age between 18 and 44 years. 2. Diploma or degree in rehabilitation-related fields (such as rehabilitation therapy, sports rehabilitation, occupational therapy, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation, audiology and speech rehabilitation, educational rehabilitation, prosthetics and orthotics, rehabilitation psychology, etc.). 3. Language certificate: German A2 certificate.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type



1~3 years

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