Shanghai Mengbiai Catering Management Co., Ltd Logo
Shanghai Mengbiai Catering Management Co., Ltd Logo
Restaurant Service Head Waiter
Full-time10K - 15K RMB per monthShanghai
Shanghai Mengbiai Catering Management Co., Ltd
Refresh at 7 months ago 2014 views

Job Responsibilities

1. 对于餐厅的食材/酒水/服务全面的了解 To have complete knowledge on the food / beverage / service provided. 2. 在服务客人的时候时刻掌握客人对于餐厅满意度的反馈 Constantly obtain customer feedback during operations to ensure satisfaction 3. 贯彻餐厅的服务标准 Follow all InfraRouge service standards 4. 确保餐厅服务标准和条款准确的教授到员工,并监督其实施 Ensure that restaurant standards and policies are explained to staff, and are correctly applied 5. 确保餐厅服务的平稳有序 Insure the smoothness of the service 6. 检查餐厅的开餐准备工作,确保标准始终如一 Check restaurant mise en place and setup with standards at all time 7. 传达经理的决定,并确保决定得到落实 Relay management decisions and make sure they are applied 8. 确保服务质量的持续性 Maintain consistency in quality of service 9. 通过专业的良好的职业态度传达餐厅的正面形象 Convey a positive image of the restaurant through professionalism and good attitude 10. 检查餐厅员工的工作态度 Check floor staff's attitude 11. 对经理汇报事件 Relay information to management 12. 提高销售 Push Up sellings 13. 调动员工的积极性和团队合作 Enforce staff motivation and team building

Job Requirements

任职资格qualifications: 1. 具有团队合作精神 Teamwork oriented 2. 热情,有礼貌,愿意帮助同事及客人 Enthusiastic, courteous & helpful to colleagues & customers 3. 可以接受轮班制 Be able to work for flexible hours 4 有酒店/餐饮行业从业经验 Graduated in Hospitality industry 5. 英文口语流利 Fluent English speaking 6. 1年同岗位西餐厅工作经历 1 year experience at same position in western restaurant 7. 良好的沟通能力及销售技巧 Good communication & Sales Skills

Required Languages

French, English

Job Details

Position type

Hotel staff


1~3 years

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