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Technical Support Engineer
Full-time10K - 15K RMB per monthRussia
Refresh at 3 months ago 302 views

Job Responsibilities

1. Execute pre-sales, sales, and post-sales support tasks for sales projects, including technical communication, requirements guidance, solution preparation, and technical issue resolution; 2. Monitor industry applications and market trends, providing feedback on relevant information.

Job Requirements

1. Bachelor's degree in electronics, communications, computer science, automation, or related fields; outstanding graduates are also welcome; 2. More than one year of experience in technical support, R&D, marketing, or related business roles; 3. Strong communication and teamwork skills, with the ability to proactively and independently solve problems while handling significant work pressure; 4. Good spoken English proficiency.

Required Languages


Job Details

Position type

Operation/technical support


1~3 years

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